
Our Apprenticeships

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Apprenticeships provide the opportunity for students to combine work and study - applying their academic studies to their job role, organisation, and industry to become academically confident and skilled employees.

Higher and Degree Apprenticeships can take one to five years to complete. Apprentices will spend at least a minimum of 6 hours per week completing off-the-job training, which could be a combination of studies at the University and training offered by the employer.

The SMµ÷½ÌȦ currently offer the following degree apprenticeships:

Download | Higher and Degree Apprenticeships - 2024

Level 5 Assistant Practitioner

Level 5 Nursing Associate

Level 6 Registered Nurse (Adult, Children's or Mental Health)

Level 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner

Interested in studying a health apprenticeship?
Learn more about The East of England Centre of Excellence for Health Apprenticeships (CEHA); an innovative partnership aimed to revolutionize the delivery of apprenticeships in the fields of health and social care careers.

Please note our higher and degree apprenticeship offer may change when reviewed/ re-validated or when new Standards are approved.

Level 6 Social Worker

Please note our higher and degree apprenticeship offer may change when reviewed/ re-validated or when new Standards are approved.

Level 4 Associate Project Manager

Level 6 Supply Chain Leadership Professional

Level 6 Digital Technology Solutions (software / network / cyber)

Level 7 Senior Leader

Level 7 Senior Leader (Supply Chain)

Please note our higher and degree apprenticeship offer may change when reviewed/ re-validated or when new Standards are approved.

Our Apprenticeship provision


highest university provider nationally for overall qualification apprenticeship achievement rate*

*among small-medium sized providers


highest ranked performing university nationally for overall apprenticeship achievement


overall apprenticeship retention rate

The sections below provide more information about how to join a higher or degree apprenticeship with the SMµ÷½ÌȦ, and module content for each apprenticeship programme.

Please make sure to check out the course page for your preferred apprenticeship route as each apprenticeship has varying entry requirements. Some courses do not allow direct entry via applications; our course teams are happy to discuss in further detail.

An apprenticeship is a combined package of the following:


This is where the practical learning and ‘on-the-job training’ takes place.


This is where the theoretical learning takes place. The degree modules map to the knowledge, skills and behaviours (also known as ‘KSBs’) required to show competency in the relevant industry sector (as outlined in the chosen apprenticeship standard)

The academic assignments, exams and projects will lead to the Apprentice being awarded a SMµ÷½ÌȦ Foundation Degree (Level 5), Bachelor’s Degree (Level 6) or Master's Degree (Level 7); but the Apprenticeship will not be completed until the EPA has also been passed.

The University and employer will agree study methods, which would normally be either day-release or block teaching (e.g. one full week of University study followed by four weeks of full-time work), but apprentices will also normally have some online teaching or project-work.

Progress Reviews (also known as ‘tripartite reviews’)

These are regular meetings held with an Apprenticeship Practice Educator/ Skills Coach, where the apprentice and employer are present to discuss progress.

Functional Skills studies

Apprentices must bring ACE acceptable evidence of level 2 (or equivalent) English and Maths qualifications with them prior to commencing their programme. During curriculum delivery, apprentices will be required to demonstrate how they are developing their English and mathematical skills in the workplace beyond level 2.

Holistic and personal development skills

This includes raising awareness of topics such as safeguarding, PREVENT, County Lines, British values, sustainability, citizenship and equality and diversity.


This is learning which is undertaken outside of day-to-day work duties and leads towards the achievement of the apprenticeship. This must equate to a minimum of 6 hours per week.

End Point Assessment

This is the final assessment that is used to confirm that the apprentice is occupationally competent.


Please make sure to check out the course page for your preferred apprenticeship route by clicking on the boxes below. Each apprenticeship has varying entry requirements, and some do not allow direct entry via applications.

If you’re employed with a levy-paying organisation, and would like to study a higher or degree apprenticeship, please ask your employer to email us via so that we can discuss how we can work together.

If you are not working for a company that can fund and support your degree apprenticeship, you'll need to apply for a degree apprenticeship with a company that offers them. You'll follow their standard recruitment process and we'll assess your academic suitability for the course.

You can also search for degree apprenticeship vacancies through or .


Each apprenticeship will have it's own entry requirements and you are advised to refer to the sections listed below to determine the requirements for your preferred apprenticeship.

However, in general, apprentices would normally have already completed a Level 3 apprenticeship or Level 3 qualifications (e.g. A Levels, BTEC), or have significant relevant work experience in order to be considered for a Higher or Degree Apprenticeship.

In addition to this, apprentices are required to have obtained a Level 2 (GCSE Grade 4/Grade C) or equivalent qualification in English and Maths in order to join their chosen program. If permitted to join an apprenticeship without these qualifications, the apprentice will be expected to achieve them before progressing through the gateway for the End Point Assessment. For international qualifications, apprentices need to provide an ENIC statement of comparability that confirms English and Maths qualifications are equivalent to meet the entry requirements.

Apprenticeships are funded by employers, which means apprentices will not have to pay any of their training costs. However, as stated above, in order to be eligible for an apprenticeship with the SMµ÷½ÌȦ, you must be employed by a levy-paying employer. Please see the Information for Employers page for more details about the apprenticeship levy.

Training Plan (A)

If you enrol onto one of our Apprenticeships, the Training Plan (A) is a document that will be signed by you, the University and your employer. It will outline the planned content and schedule for training, expectations of the apprenticeship, and how to resolve queries or complaints. It is a requirement of the funding for the Apprenticeship that this is signed, and the above is an example of how this might look, as each one will be specific to the Apprentice.

Skills Analysis

Before an apprenticeship begins, the University must assess the individual’s prior learning to establish the ‘starting point’, or baseline, of the apprentice. This informs how much of the apprenticeship training content the individual requires and checks that the apprenticeship is an appropriate training programme for the individual.

Apprenticeship Agreement

The apprenticeship agreement is a statutory requirement for the employment of an apprentice in connection with an approved apprenticeship standard. It forms part of the individual employment arrangements between the apprentice and the employer; it is a contract of service (i.e. a contract of employment) and not a contract of apprenticeship. The purpose of the apprenticeship agreement is to identify:

  • the apprenticeship standard connected to the apprenticeship;
  • the dates during which the apprenticeship is expected to take place; and
  • the amount of off the job training that the apprentice is to receive.

Acceptable evidence that the academic requirements of the chosen apprenticeship will also be required prior to commencing the apprenticeship programme.

Many of our programmes do not allow direct entry and are recruited through existing employer contacts. If you feel that you meet the entry requirements of your preferred apprenticeship, and your employer is levy-paying, please direct your employing organisation to email to initiate conversations about recruitment. Once eligibility has been confirmed, the team will be in touch with you to discuss the application and interview process, and any documentation that is required.